As I sit here to write this on New Year's Eve, it is cloudy and rainy again as it has been much of the fall and winter. There have been a few clear nights during the year that I chose to pursue other activities, but there weren't many prime observing opportunities in the second half of the year. Still I achieved a few astronomical accomplishments in 2018.
- First light for my upgraded ASI071MC-Pro camera was Jan. 3, 2018. I found that the upgraded version is less susceptible to frosting.
- Received my new Explore Scientific 127 mm CF apochromatic refractor with FCD100 glass and a Losmandy G811 mount with Gemini II. This will be my travel imaging rig so I don't have to disassemble the observatory when traveling to a star party.
- Determined that a Tripp-Lite model U330-10M superspeed active extension cable works to connect the ASI071MC- Pro camera to the laptop. This long cable doesn't drop frames at a frame rates of > ½ second and the supplemental power supply is not required.
- In April I attended the Deep South Spring Scrimmage at Feleciana Retreat. First use of my ES 127 CF apo and G811 mount. Got in 2 nights of viewing before heading home due to the forecast for severe weather.
- Learned to improve my images through the use of flat frames taken with an Electroluminesient panel. This works very well to remove dust and other artifacts from the images.
- In August I attended the DSSG trial run at White Horse Christian Retreat.
- In October I went to Fort Davis, Texas with Dave & Scott. We had a great time observing from really dark skies and visiting the McDonald Observatory. Photos in my Flickr account.
- Got the Rigel nStep focuser motor working on the observatory scope. The USB cable for it requires an auxiliary power supply for consistent operation. I purchased an nStep focus motor and for the travel scope.
- I recorded 104 astronomical observations during 26 observing sessions in 2018.
- Completed the underground cable piping in the observatory and ran the USB & Ethernet cables from the mount to the office. All works fine and no more trip hazard!
And now for a sampling of my images from 2018;
H2 742-2, NGC 4248 and friends
Luling Skies Observatory
March 14, 2018
stack of 18 x 90 seconds
H 197-1, NGC 4485 & NGC 4490, Arp 269
Luling Skies Observatory
April 16, 2018
stack of 11 x 180 seconds, cropped
Messier 57, The Ring Nebula
Luling Skies Observatory
June 8, 2018
stack of 25 x 180 seconds
Iris Nebula NGC 7023 and Caldwell 4
Casa Mano Prieto, Fort Davis, Tx
Oct. 13, 2018
stack of 20 x 180 seconds, cropped, processed in GIMP
NGC 5985, NGC 5981, NGC 5982
Casa Mano Prieto, Fort Davis, Tx
Oct. 13, 2018
stack of 15 x 240 seconds, cropped
NGC 7635, The Bubble Nebula
Luling Skies Observatory
Nov. 15, 2018
stack of 20 x 240 seconds