Here is an inside view. I haven't built any shelves yet so my gear is piled on the floor and a table.
Here is my Mallincam VRC-10 CF ready for a night of visual observing. My daughter Heather came over and we had a great time until clouds rolled in a little after midnight. The observatory worked out well and was a big improvement from setting up in the yard.
After getting the equipment running, I had some difficulty with a newly updated version of the Miloslick Mallincam control software. I finally got it figured out and went to the Orion nebula as my first object. I've gotten better pics previously, but this is the best I could manage on this night. Given the size of the object I needed further focal reduction, but with clouds threatening I didn't take the time to change my setup.
I viewed the flame and horsehead nebulas and the Pleadies before clouds rolled in and ended my observing session. It was a pleasure to simply shut down the electricity, close the roof, and head inside. Much better than spending the next hour tearing down the equipment and stowing it away. I look forward to many more observing sessions in my backyard observatory.